Finding Freight Shipping Solutions Fast

If you are in charge of shipping in your organization, you are probably familiar with the frustrations that come with finding freight shipping solutions on a daily basis for your organization. We won’t even get into the aggravation that comes from co-workers who just have no idea what is involved with shipping products and who place unreasonable demands on the shipping department.

freight shipping solutions

Meeting your shipping Goals

Having said that, there are freight shipping solutions out there that can help reduce all of that stress. A typical shipping department has a lot more to do than just call a carrier to get a few skids out the door. Today, demands are placed on that department to meet certain goals with regards to transportation costs, and much more. To accomplish this, several calls are made to numerous carriers that can meet the need. Once several calls are made or emailed, then the process starts so that the department can then evaluate each rate.


Typical pressures prior to shipping

During this time, the shipping department has to prepare the shipment or shipments heading out, answer and field questions from various staff and clients, as well as prepare the related documents and skid and shrink-wrap the order. Of course, scheduling the various carriers picking up and delivering shipments are also in order during what is, or can be, a very hectic day.


Knowing The Market

Knowing which rate is competitive, and what level of service is required is always a key in making some very tough decisions in this industry. Most shipping departments have some knowledge based upon experience, but who would you say has more insight? A transportation broker, also known as a 3PL firm, who concentrates on this type of task all day long… or a shipping department, who must balance numerous urgent requests during their search for the best price. Transportation brokers communicate daily with hundreds of carriers placing freight heading inbound and outbound with different equipment, destinations, weight and urgency.


Freight Shipping Solution

Today, firms have found a smart freight shipping solution by placing their shipments with a few transportation brokers, who in turn will water down and provide a competitive rate, having very quickly submitted a request for your transportation need with the use of sophisticated equipment, as well as the internet, enabling them to communicate with hundreds of carriers instantaneously.It’s the ultimate freight shipping solution, almost like one-stop shopping. This process will provide the shipping department with more time on their hands, so that they can concentrate on what matters…their customers, as well as reducing their shipping costs.

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