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Partial Truck Load Shipping: What you need to know

On the shipping spectrum, partial truck load (PTL) shipping exists at the midpoint between less than truckload (LTL) and truckload (TL) shipping. It’s not as common as the other two, but spotting opportunities for it can save you a lot of money. Here’s what you need to know about this safer, faster, and cheaper method.

Freight Class doesn’t matter

  • Unlike with LTL and TL, freight class doesn’t usually need to be identified on a PTL shipment. This means no NMFC codes, class calculations, and nasty reclassification charges

More Peace of Mind

  • The truck that delivers your shipment is the same truck that picks it up. There are no unloads and reloads. Fewer hands mean fewer opportunities for damage

Fewer Delays

  • Because these shipments don’t typically have to stop at distribution terminals during their journey, they’re more likely to arrive on time than LTL and LT shipments. 

So, when is partial truck load shipping right for you?

  • If your shipment falls between LTL and TL requirements, PTL  might be the way to go. More specifically, PTL should be considered if you are moving between 6 and 18 pallets or between 8,000 and 27,500 pounds. 
  • PTL is also ideal for light but large shipments; cargo that doesn’t weigh much but takes up a lot of room. Shipping such loads via LTL can be extremely expensive, so you may want to explore PTL as an alternative. 
  • Finally, if your shipment requires careful handling and meets the size requirements, PTL can give you enhanced peace of mind without the enhanced price tag.

The best way to go about coordinating a partial truck load shipment is to go through your third-party logistics provider; they’ll be able to assess your shipment and find the best place for it. 

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How to Claim Damaged Shipments the Right Way

Your shipment arrived on time, but it arrived damaged. What do you do? Here’s a quick guide to help you manage your damaged shipments and file claims as painlessly and as successfully as possible.

damaged shipments
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3 Ways To Lower Inbound Shipping Costs

Where cost reduction and optimization are concerned, outbound shipping usually takes center stage. Inbound sits in the background, unmonitored and unexamined. Though they may be harder to gain control of, inbound shipping costs can be a significant source of efficiency and savings. Here are three ways businesses can keep them in check. 

high inbound shipping costs
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The Future of Shipping is Psychic: 4 Ways to get ahead of Anticipatory Logistics & Predictive Shipping

In 2012, a game-changing patent was filed. Using predictive shipping analytics, Amazon’s “anticipatory” or “speculative” shipping system plans to ship products to customers before they’ve so much as clicked “add to cart.” According to a recent trend report by DHL, the future is upon us. From automotive to consumer goods, over the next five years, this so-called psychic supply chain will have far reaching effects in nearly all industries. Here’s how to avoid being left behind:

anticipatory predictive logistics

Photo courtesy of Franck_Michel(CC Attribution)

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3 Ways an Online Freight Class Calculator Can Steer You Wrong

Though there are many free freight class calculators available online, they can be misleading in certain of cases. Often, the NMFC code they generate is based solely on dimensions, weight, density, and value. But, these are not the only factors that matter. An over-reliance on these calculators can lead to costly reclassification charges. Three additional factors determine shipping class: Stowability, Handling, and Liability, and it is important to keep them in mind as well: 

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SOLAS Verified Shipping Container Gross Weight Rules Come Into Effect

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5 Ways to Control Transportation Accessorial Charges

Accessorial charges can increase your freight charges by as much as 35 %. Shippers turn a blind eye to them until they appear on their statement, and just pay them under the assumption that there’s nothing more that can be done to control these less frequent budget busting expenses that crop up during deliveries to clients. For those not in the know, “accessorials” as they are referred to in the industry, are charges that are incurred by shippers for additional services that are provided over and above the standard dock to dock, driver no touch, delivery standard. Tail gate delivery, heat no freeze, driver assist, waiting time, are just a few accessorial fees that carriers regularly charge extra for. Here are a few ways that you can take control of and manage these costs in the future.

accessorial charges
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Streamline Product Returns Through Reverse Logistics Management

A company’s returns process doesn’t necessarily have to result in reduced profits. We look at the importance of streamlining your supply chain through effective reverse logistics management to address product returns and recalls.

reverse logistics management

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Partner With Freight Services Providers To Avoid Compliance Shortfalls

As companies continue to seek out freight services providers in emerging markets for savings and efficiencies of ocean freight rates, they are faced with the prospect of having to meet additional regulatory compliance requirements. Partnering with a third-party logistics provider can help to mitigate compliance issues.

freight services compliance

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Ensuring On Time Delivery Through Integrated Logistics

A look at the advantages of using integrated logistics to ensure on time delivery

on time delivery

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